Just in: We surveyed 2,000 homeowners about the economy, retirement, and more. See the Details

Your Local Reverse Mortgage Specialist:
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Why FAR?

Because retirement can be so much more

We know how to make retirement work

Through our suite of financial tools, FAR empowers people 55+ to reach their goals and build the life they choose.

“Since I got my reverse mortgage, it’s relieved a lot of pressure, and a lot of stress. Once I got it, I could redo the house and pay off some debt. Now, it’s very peaceful. Everything came together. I love that word, peaceful.”
“Devastating fires in the mountains above Montecito left us susceptible to landslides. When we explained our situation to FAR, they understood exactly what we described. Well aware of the situation in Montecito, they quickly rolled up their sleeves to help us out.”
“Four years later, our reverse mortgage is working just as promised, giving us extra money each month to do the things we love. And, best of all, peace of mind knowing we can live in our home as long as we desire.”

How we make a difference in retirement

As one of ConsumerAffairs’ top reverse mortgage lenders, we design each of our products to help you make the most of your journey ahead.

You have big goals, and we have the right financial tools to make them happen.

They make the most of your most powerful asset – your home.

With FAR, your home gives you options beyond a 401k, Social Security, and Insurance.

FAR can help you:

  1. Access home equity without costly mortgage payments every month.
  2. Get matched with a housemate to create new income through Silvernest, a FAR subsidiary.

The flexibility FAR solutions create help you focus on what matters most to you.

Let’s get to work.

Our solutions

Reverse mortgage

This is a smart way to make your money work for you.

Reverse mortgages are recognized by homeowners and financial advisors as a great way to access an important retirement asset—home equity.

No monthly mortgage payments.*

Line of credit option.

Live in and own your home.

Retirement mortgage

Choose a mortgage designed for your stage of life. One that prepares you for the big change—retirement.

Find a path to a stable future, so you can enjoy life right now and tomorrow.

Improve cash flow as you age.

Face economic uncertainty head-on.

The good life starts now.

Roommates with a reverse mortgage


Finding the right person to share your home with is about more than just getting a housemate—it’s about the freedom to age in place, too.

Discover the financial, social, and health benefits of Homesharing.

Roommates with a reverse mortgage

Strengthen your financial independence.

Find companionship.

Free up time to do more of what you want.

Get started creating your dream retirement

We look forward to making this the time in your life that is full of opportunity.

Get Started