Just in: We surveyed 2,000 homeowners about the economy, retirement, and more. See the Details

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We Keep
Great Company

By fostering strategic relationships across the financial industry and beyond, we’re going further to give financial planners and other professionals the tools to make the most of what’s next.

Our Strategic Partnerships


Morningstar is a leading investment research provider that connects investors to the data and analytics to drive financial success. As the first-ever reverse mortgage education provider on their Morningstar Advisor Workstation platform, we educate financial planners on how home equity, an often-overlooked asset, can be used to secure client retirements.

Stanford Center on Longevity

Guided by a mandate to affect real change and solve the problems of people over 50, the Stanford Center on Longevity is using science and technology to improve the well-being of all age groups. As an active member of the center’s Corporate Affiliate Program, we’re on the frontlines engaging faculty and researchers to better understand the realities of population aging and bring new resources and solutions to our borrowers.

Financial Planning Association (FPA)

The Financial Planning Association® is the leading membership organization for CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals. As their official reverse mortgage educator, we provide members with educational resources that arm advisors across the country with industry-leading knowledge so they can set up clients for long-term financial success.

Executive Roundtable Journal

Hosted by Strategy & Resources, LLC and WealthManagement.com, the Executive Roundtable Journal gathers C-suite executives and financial thought leaders to discuss new research and share key learnings on wealth management. By engaging with leading financial services companies around the globe, we are bringing a fresh perspective and fueling the dialogue on the strategic uses of home equity.