Just in: We surveyed 2,000 homeowners about the economy, retirement, and more. See the Details

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know FAR

We exist to help people discover the joy of accomplishing their goals in retirement.

Defining a true path forward

We’ve helped thousands of people live their retirement dreams since 2003. As one of the oldest reverse lenders in the market today and a top-ranked reverse mortgage lender on ConsumerAffairs, we’re an ideal partner for what’s next in your life, with the expertise to build a personalized plan that works for you.

FAR is part of the greater Finance of America family of companies, providing excellence across residential mortgage, commercial, retirement, personal, and student lending. Our passionate team helps people 55 and up leverage the incredible power of their home to get unstuck, meet their needs, and experience the joy that comes from accomplishing their retirement goals.

“We bring the dream of retirement full circle by helping those ready for the road ahead and those ready to help them. FAR has reignited my passion of empowering people, taking care of employees first so we can take the best care of our customers.” -Meg M.

“FAR’s amazing culture has allowed me to pursue a life of helping people while giving me an outlet for my creative passions. I’ve made countless impactful connections – friends, business partners, mentors – and they’ve all helped me become the person I am today.” -Ryan S.

“We’re aiming to design customer-centric products that solve real-world problems. First, we think about what people need, from improved privacy to new ways of accessing equity, then we move backward to build solutions that can help.” -Jon B.

Meet our leadership team

Industry veterans deeply committed to improving the modern retirement.

This is Team Retirement

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