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A new way to get more out of the home you love

If your house has unused rooms, you have an opportunity. Homesharing is an increasingly popular way to earn passive income for monthly expenses, travel, savings and more.

But how do you find someone you’d be compatible with, or maybe even enjoy living with? That’s where Silvernest comes in.

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Silvernest at a glance

Unique ShareScore™ compatibility rating to match homeowners and homeseekers

Customizable Nest Easy Homesharing Agreement™ template

Guided, customizable homesharing agreement

What homesharing can do for you

Reliable monthly income

Hosts earn passive monthly income to help with bills, medical expenses, travel and more.

Help with home upkeep

Housemates frequently split chores and household tasks, and many renters help around the house in exchange for reduced monthly rent.

Peace of mind

Cross stability, income, companionship and help around the house off your list of worries.

New connections, new experiences

Homesharing can enrich your life, adding a sense of fun and adventure.

Frequently asked

Homesharing is another example of the sharing economy, like ridesharing or coworking. It’s shared housing in which a homeowner chooses to live together with at least one other non-related person in exchange for rent (and sometimes, in exchange for help around the house).

Homesharing connects people who might not otherwise meet, making life more interesting and opening new avenues for conversation and community. It can also help alleviate social isolation and loneliness, improving both physical and mental health.

Silvernest is a website that uses technology to match hosts and homeseekers based on compatibility, then provides secure messaging, background screens, homesharing agreements and more. Basically, Silvernest has everything you need to create a home sweet shared home.

Homesharing is for everybody! Silvernest has seen successful homesharing with retirees, families, young adults and even cross-generational households. The only prerequisites are a desire to earn or save money and a willingness to explore something new.

 It boils down to this:

  1. You fill out a profile with info about yourself, your home and your preferences in a housemate.
  2. Homeseekers do the same, indicating what kind of home (and host) they’d like to live with.
  3. Silvernest software crunches the numbers to show you housemate matches based on your location and how well your preferences line up with others’.

Are There Any Homeseekers in My Area?

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