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Search for goals

The Importance of Goals in Retirement

Just because you've left the workforce doesn't mean you can leave goal-setting behind as well. Setting goals can keep you happy and healthy in retirement....

When to Ask for Help Managing Your Retirement Finances

You've built an investment portfolio. Should you continue to manage your retirement finances on your own, or is it is time to ask for outside help?...

7 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

A monthly mortgage payment is a typical expense in a homeowner's budget. Here are seven ways to lower yours....

Finance of America Reverse’s Scott Norman Elected to Fifth Consecutive Term as Co-Chair of NRMLA Board of Directors

Scott Norman, vice president of field retail and director of government relations, has been re-elected as co-chair of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA) 2023-2024 Board of Direc...

Everything You Need to Know about a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is an important part of an estate plan, but there are more uses for them than that. Here is a guide to the types of POA and how to set one up....

Renting or Owning in Retirement: Which Is Better?

Deciding whether to rent or own in retirement can be tricky. Homeownership involves a lot of upkeep, but you build equity. Renting is easier, but is it worth the tradeoff? Here are some things to cons...

Finance of America Expands Reach of Second Lien Reverse Mortgage to Allow More Homeowners 55 and Older to Access Home Equity

Homesafe Second serves as an attractive alternative to HELOCs and home equity loans. Now it is available to homeowners 55 and older....

What to Know About Target-Date Retirement Mutual Funds

Target date mutual funds are an increasingly popular type of investment fund. Learn how these funds work and why you might want to consider adding them to your portfolio....

Compounding Interest for Retirees: Is it a Viable Option?

Though compounding interest is often offered as a savings strategies for younger people, there are still ways for retirees to take advantage of its saving potential....

Benefits of Establishing an Art Practice in Retirement

Interested in painting, pottery, or drawing? The good news is there are multiple benefits to establishing an art practice in retirement....