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Customer Stories

Discover what’s possible with a reverse mortgage

Freedom to Thrive

Meet Susan

Turning Unused Equity to Travel and Fulfillment

Susan felt her money was in jail, until her reverse mortgage set it, and her, free.

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Meet Craig

Helping Family Now, and Later

For Craig, the perfect retirement is living in his home and being able to help family.

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Meet Mark

Putting the House to Work

Mark spent years working to pay for his house. Now, the house is paying him back.

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Meet Cynthia

Living in Her Corner of Paradise

Cynthia knew from a young age she'd found her forever home, which happens to be the one she grew up in.

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Meet Linda

There’s Nowhere Else I’d Rather Live

As an active member of her community, Linda is constantly out and about. Whether it is swimming, going to the movies, or entertaining friends, she is always on the go.

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Meet Dennie & Hassan

A Retirement That Lives Up to All Your Adventures

“I’m 72 years young, my wife is 69. We’ve been fortunate to retire earlier than most.”

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Meet Dave

How a Reverse Mortgage Proved Useful After a Natural Disaster

“We were about to initiate our mortgage application when our community was hit by tragedy.”

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Meet Ann

How Ann Went FAR in Retirement

“Investing in this choice has been the best decision.”

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Venice Sessions

Meet Steven

For Me It Was a Life Changing Experience

At 75, Steven found freedom to step away from his law practice to focus on his art while also opening up time for his family.

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Meet Ron

It Was Time to Move On

After 8 years as a widower, Ron finally realized his wife is not coming back and that it was time to move on and focus on his life ahead.

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Meet Richard

I Have Been Living in Corona Del Mar for 40 Years

After decades as a self-employed entrepreneur in the restaurant and food industry, Richard has learned a great deal about the ups and downs of business and making smart real estate choices.

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Meet Mario and Veronica

Seeing the World Together

These two are making memories all across the world. Mario and Veronica are living their bucket list.

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Meet Keith and Julianne

We Wanted To Take the Pressure off Us

After enjoying successful careers as entrepreneurs, Keith and Julianne started to evaluate where they were in life and the expenses needed to maintain their lifestyle.

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What our customers are saying.

Feb 3, 2022

FAR didn't treat us like another name or number, but like family. The process was like clockwork and had us feeling prepared for the season ahead. We are beyond pleased with Finance of America Reverse.

John A. of Charleston, WV

Feb 14, 2022

FAR helped us every step of the way with our reverse mortgage. We now have the financial freedom to do what we love instead of being stuck at home. We're senior and able-bodied, and now our finances are as strong as we feel physically. We're excited to live the rest of our lives in our forever home.

LaRaeM. of West Haven, UT

Mar 5, 2022

I was blessed by the cyber gods when I first began the reverse mortgage process. Finance of America Reverse led me through the steps and decisions with patience, good humor, and expertise. I could always count on them to answer my questions with information I could understand, and their personality and kindness made the project easier than expected. FAR's staff was incredible in helping me on my reverse journey.

Marlene J. of Sammamish, WA

Mar 9, 2022

Finance of America Reverse was very accommodating compared to other companies that I've dealt with. Their application process wasn't difficult and my representative was extremely friendly, reassuring, and honest. They told me exactly what I needed to do and guided me through the process, answering any questions I had.

Roxanne S. of Peabody, MA

Mar 9, 2022

FAR was very helpful in helping me narrow down my options. What excited me the most was the confidence I had in the information FAR gave me compared to others, and the comfort level I had working with my representative. I received lots of information, had all my questions answered, and had it given to me in a form for comparison without feeling pressured.

Reg H. of Durham, NC

Finance of America Reverse LLC borrowers have been compensated for their participation. Statements are their own.

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